Staying Hydrated

Staying Hydrated

One of the biggest factors responsible for accelerating the aging process is dehydration. Your body is made up of 70-75% water. Your body needs it to survive and function property and effectively. Being adequately hydrated helps with digestion, mental focus, healthy looking skin, curbing your appetite, and shedding those pesky unwanted pounds.

Hunger is often confused with dehydration. Before you reach for that snack, have a glass of water instead. Drinking before meals can help promote weight loss. Multiple studies show those who drink two glasses of water before meals feel fuller and eat less.

Try to start your day with a glass of lemon water. Lemon helps hydrate the body and stimulate the liver’s detox process. Lemon water is high in vitamin C, which helps to ward off colds and infections; it’s a natural detoxifier, it aids in digestion, it keeps your skin youthful and glowing, it freshens your breath, it promotes healing, it alkalizes the body, and aids in weight loss. What’s not to LOVE about lemons? Here is a recipe:

Lemon Water Elixir

1 cup of filtered water – warm or room temperature

Juice of 1 lemon

1 tablespoon Bragg’s raw apple cider vinegar

1 teaspoon raw honey

Dash of sea salt

Dash of cayenne pepper


Ideally, you should be drinking half of your body weight in water each day, plus additional water if you exercise or live in a warmer or drier climate. For example, if you weigh 150lbs, aim for 75 fluid ounces of water daily. You will also need to drink more water if you consume coffee, tea, alcohol, soda, or salty foods as they can be very dehydrating. Proper hydration is also very important during the heat of the summer months; we need to replenish lost minerals. Other drinks to enjoy to help you stay hydrated include herbal teas and vegetable juices. Here is a recipe for a natural Gatorade.



Natural Gatorade

20 ounces of filtered water

½ teaspoon of sea salt

Juice of 1 lemon

1 teaspoon of raw honey


Try not to drink with your meals because the liquid dilutes your digestive enzymes and can prevent your body from assimilating nutrients.

A good measure for seeing if you’re amply hydrated is to check your urine. If you’re sufficiently hydrated, your urine should be fairly clear and shouldn’t have an offensive odour. If it’s dark yellow, you need to drink more water. Your lips are another indicator. If they are chapped or parched, you could be dehydrated.

Don’t forget that foods such as watermelon, tomatoes, yoghurt, cucumbers, and berries can also be hydrating.

Please browse through The Environmental Working Groups site to find a safe and effective water filter for you and your family.

Staying hydrated is important for everyone. Your body depends on water to survive. Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body needs water to work correctly. Your body uses water to maintain its temperature, remove waste, and lubricate joints. Water is essential for good health.

Drink UP!!!

Thanks for reading and keep well.






Tara Gloor Health Coach Wellness Expert Signature (5)

Coconut Oil: Demonic or Divine?

Coconut Oil: Demonic or Divine?

Coconut oil has been demonized in the past…   because it contains saturated fat.


Yes, coconut oil is almost 90 percent saturated fat, but not all saturated fats are created equal. The saturated fat in coconut oil is mostly lauric acid, a medium-chain saturated fatty acid that appears to have a more neutral effect on heart health when compared to longer-chain saturated fats found in meats and dairy products.


Coconut oil products are credited with numerous nutritional properties, among them anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory.  It is also said to promote weight loss, a healthy digestion, and provide immunity support. Not to mention a great moisturizer for your skin and hair.


Dr. Josh Axe explores the many uses for coconut oil and its benefits in this article.


I use this tropical oil for so many things because it has a wide array of health benefits, and it is one of the most versatile and healthiest substances.



I personally use it daily for cooking as it has a high smoke point and it doesn’t go rancid due to its high heat tolerance. It is great for baking, stir-fry’s or as a dairy free replacement for butter. I also add it to smoothies for energy. In addition, I add it to my Chicory Cup (coffee substitute) as a coffee creamer. I know you are probably thinking I have gone mad. Actually, the first time I heard about adding oil and fat to coffee, I’m sure the look on my face was a mix between confusion and disgust. Well, I was pleasantly surprised, it is delicious and it doesn’t dilute the flavour. It provides a rich and creamy consistency. Using a blender or mini bullet blender, blend the coffee or coffee substitute and coconut oil on high for about 5 seconds, and Bob’s your uncle!


I also use it to condition my hair. I comb it through my hair and let it sit for about an hour before I shampoo. This is known as pre-poo, nothing to do with your bowels 🙂  “pre-poo” is usually an oil treatment applied to your hair prior to shampooing or conditioning. This adds moisture, helps get the tangles out, add shine and improves the overall health of your hair. You can also add a tiny dab rubbed on your hands and then through hair, it makes a great anti-frizz treatment.


Lastly, I use coconut oil for oil pulling (oral detoxification procedure) – I use 1 tbsp. swish it for 15-20 minutes first thing in the morning. Please remember to spit it out into the rubbish bin to avoid any clogged pipes. Then rinse your mouth with salt water to remove any bacteria. Here is a link to learn the benefits of oil pulling.

Refined or processed coconut oil can be bleached, over-heated, and chemically processed to increase its shelf-life. Processing the oil changes the chemical makeup and the fats are no longer good for you! Make sure you buy extra virgin coconut oil for the greatest health benefits.


Thanks for reading & keep well,






Tara Gloor Health Coach Wellness Expert Signature (5)

Cook at Home and Tantalize Your Taste Buds

Cook at Home and Tantalize Your Taste Buds

Cooking your own meals affords you the peace of mind that goes along with having complete control over the type and quality of ingredients in your meals and to control portion sizes. Restaurant and other commercially prepared foods are notoriously high in fat, salt, and sugar. Preparing meals at home also allows you to easily accommodate family members or guests who have allergies or food intolerances.


Reclaim your kitchen. Throw away items with high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated fats or sugar, and those with a list of ingredients that you can’t pronounce. Fill your shelves with real, fresh, whole, local foods when possible. Plant a garden if you have a green thumb, or if you’re like me who unfortunately doesn’t, you can join a local CSA – Community Supported Agriculture – click here for more information on how to do that.


Try to avoid frying foods by learning to roast or bake or even by adding more raw foods to boost flavour and reduce extra calories.  Experiment with herbs and spices to reduce your salt intake. You can also incorporate lemons and limes to add flavour.


Not only is eating at home kinder to your waistline, but it is also kinder to your wallet.  Eating at restaurants even just a few times a week can easily cost more than a full weeks’ worth of groceries.  The key to maximizing your savings is being organized.  Plan your week’s meal in advance and write a grocery list and remember NOT to shop on an empty stomach. If you don’t have time to eat a meal prior to going to the grocery shop, then make sure you have some healthy snacks. You can make this a family activity. You don’t have to make elaborate labour intensive meals, keep it fast and simple.


Cooking at home also teaches you to savor the food you have made.  The act of preparing and cooking your own meals can help everyone who is involved learn to appreciate and enjoy the food.  Learning to savor your food can help you tune into the act of eating, making you less likely to overeat and thereby less likely to become overweight.


Children benefit greatly from the ritual of eating meals together.  Family meals provide opportunities for sharing the day’s events.  Cooking meals at home and involving your children in food preparation is the best way to teach them healthy eating habits as found in this article from Dr. Mercola.


The most important and the most powerful tool you have to change your health and the world is your fork.  

Dr. Mark Hyman



Tip:  Don’t forget about left-over’s, they are a great time-saver.  For example, if you make one large pot of quinoa in the morning you can eat it for breakfast to substitute your sugary cereal, mix it with a salad for lunch, and use what’s left to add to a stir-fry for dinner.


Please reach out and let me know if there are any specific topics you would like me to blog about. I would to hear your thoughts.


Keep well and thanks for reading.





Blossoming Your Body And Soul This Spring

Blossoming Your Body And Soul This Spring

Are you feeling sluggish, tired, or stressed? Have the last few months of cold winter days made you gloomy? Spring isn’t only for cleansing your body, but also for cleansing your mind and soul. Traditionally, many cultures have adopted the art of cleansing your mind and soul through meditation, especially during the springtime.



Introducing meditation into your life will renew your inner self and bring light to the life you live.



Find a mantra that resonates with you, an area that is peaceful, and a comfortable seat. Setting a timer for the amount of time you wish to meditate will help to avoid any distractions and interruptions during your session. Typically, most meditations last approximately 20 minutes; However, adjust the time you spend meditating to your specific needs!



Ideally, you will want to have two mantras. The first, focusing on something you would like to bring forth into your life; the second, focusing on something you would like to transition out of your life. It is crucial to focus on your breathing during meditation, inhaling when thinking about bringing something into your life and exhaling when thinking about letting something go. After choosing your mantras for the day, you are ready to begin your meditation. Repeat your mantras until your timer goes off. To further your reflection, you may journal daily about your meditation.


Studies have shown that morning meditation helps to lower blood pressure, improve circulation, reduce anxiety and stress, and promote relaxation. Cleansing your soul by releasing those negative feelings in your life while bringing in positivity promotes a healthier and happier lifestyle.



Aside from meditation, waking up at the same time every day ensures you are establishing a routine and helps to eliminate those sluggish feelings incurred from waking up late, or after the sun has risen. Some ancient rituals also recommend splashing water on your face first thing in the morning to wake up and rehydrate the skin. Developing a routine that includes meditation will ensure you wake up eager to tackle the day with a positive outlook and vision.



Meditation is an art form that takes time to develop and perfect. Simply focus on your breathing and your mantras and you’re well on your way to a relaxed mind and renewed soul this Spring!



Thanks for reading, and keep well,















Click here for all the juicy details.

8 Best Foods to Detox Your Body This Spring

8 Best Foods to Detox Your Body This Spring

Have you considered doing a detox, but wondered if it was right for you? Are you unsure about which foods to eat that will yield the best results? Then this article is for you!

With flu season in high gear, and summer drawing near, now is the perfect time to detox your body! A simple detox is the foundation of a long-lasting, healthy, and vibrant life. Not only is it a program specific to improving your inner body, but detoxing is beneficial for the mind and soul as well.


First of all, what is a detox? Detoxing is the process in which you rid your body of the harmful toxins that have built up over a period of time, and in turn, you’ll have a healthier inner & outer body, mind, and soul. Detoxing can help to increase your energy levels and fight fatigue, as well as assist in weight loss and strengthen your immune system!


Here are 8 superfoods that should be making their way into your shopping trolley this Spring!

Watercress, Spinach, and Kale are staples to your detox, and can be used in a variety of ways such as smoothies or salads. Aside from the fact that these leafy greens are packed with high-quality nutrients and vitamins, they also aid in lowering cholesterol, restoring energy levels, and help to decrease your chances of developing cancer.


Asparagus is one of the most beneficial superfoods, offering kidney and bladder cleansing support. Asparagus can be oven roasted with a little bit of seasoning, which brings us to our next two superfoods, Garlic and Cayenne Pepper!

Garlic and Cayenne Pepper act as the perfect bridge from tasteless foods to delectable meals! By seasoning your food with Garlic and/or Cayenne Pepper, not only are you aiding in detoxifying your body, but you’re ensuring that your meals taste delicious! The sulfur found in Garlic works specifically to rid your body of toxins, while Cayenne Pepper helps to support weight loss and promote heart health!


Dried fruit is the perfect alternative to those tempting, yet unhealthy grab-n-go snacks! For example, dice up some dried Peaches and throw it into your morning oats, or snack on dried Apples throughout the day! In moderation, Dried Fruit helps to reduce excess fat and lower cholesterol while aiding in the detoxification process.


Carrots are rich in glutathione which aid in the detoxification of the liver! Additionally, Carrots are loaded with Vitamins A, C, & K! It’s best to consume carrots raw, perhaps with avocado or hummus.
Keep in mind, it’s crucial to eat all of the foods mentioned above, raw, as heating can destroy some of the beneficial properties they contain!


Aside from these 8 superfoods, make sure you are drinking at least 64 oz. of water, per day. If you’re finding that the taste of water is unappealing or mundane, add some sliced Strawberries to a gallon of water and refrigerate it overnight. The next day, you’ll have a gallon of ice-cold Strawberry-Infused water that’s just as delicious as it sounds!


Enjoy your detox and remember that when it ends, it doesn’t mean you should suspend your healthy eating! Make it a habit to look good, feel great, and eat nutritiously plentiful foods! Happy Spring!



Click here for details!


Thanks for reading, and keep well!

Spring Cleaning Smoothie

Spring Cleaning Smoothie

The holidays are over, summer is drawing near, and warmer days at the beach are upon us! What better way to feel better, look better, and rid your body of toxins than with this “Spring Cleaning Smoothie”!

Are you struggling to get in your recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables? Are you skipping breakfast because of time restrictions? Do you feel tired or less energetic? Fear no more! It’s time to be proactive about your health, especially when there’s a smoothie recipe THIS delicious and beneficial for your mind, body, and soul! Start off your morning with this high-quality smoothie dense in nutritional value, drink it midday as a snack, or take it on-the-go.



1 ½ cups dairy-free milk, such as almond milk, hemp milk, or cashew milk
½ cup pea or broccoli sprouts
¼ teaspoon ginger powder
*1 handful mixed greens
*1 apple
*3 kale leaves
½ lemon, juiced
dash of cayenne pepper

Ice – optional

Where you see this * icon please buy organic if possible. These products have the highest pesticide load. A great list to keep handy when shopping is The Dirty Dozen & The Clean Fifteen. To get your own copy of these lists click here.

Click here for a short video from Dr. Andrew Weil about pesticides and our food.


What exactly will this smoothie do for me, you might ask?


Dairy-free milk such as Almond, Coconut, or Hemp Milk are loaded with vitamins, rich in protein, and are packed with minerals. Dairy-free milk is also cholesterol-free and easier to digest! Broccoli and Pea Sprouts are superfoods shown to have anti-diabetic and anti-microbial properties, improving kidney function, and killing cancer stem cells! Ginger and Cayenne Pepper act as anti-inflammatories! Cayenne Pepper also acts as an anti-allergen, anti-fungal, and antibacterial! The additional fruits and vegetables tie in this smoothie providing you with the ultimate cleanse for a healthier liver while riding your body of toxins that have been building up!

Want an extra boost? Add in a scoop of your favorite probiotic powder to aid in your gastrointestinal health while enhancing your immune system response! You can find probiotic powder at most grocery stores or health food stores!


Make this “Spring Cleanse Smoothie” part of your daily routine! You’re on your way to a happy and healthier you! Trust me, your liver will thank you later!

Thanks for reading, and keep well!


Are you ready to feel more energetic? More balanced?  More confident? Are you ready to get rid of those pesky cravings? Are you ready to learn how to create healthy habits?  
I wanted to personally share my upcoming 14-day clean eating program with you.  It’s designed to help you Feel Better, Look Better, and Be Better.
We spend a lot of time taking care of others.  It’s now time to say YES to YOU! No fad diets, no pills, no powders just real food to simply your life and get back to basics with cleansing and detox techniques!  If you’re ready to move to the next level of being Radiant at Any Age, join me for my spring detox starting in a few weeks…stay tuned for details!