Healthy Swaps, Less Calories, More Nutrients!

Healthy Swaps, Less Calories, More Nutrients!

When it comes to weight loss, slow and steady wins the race. Focusing on small simple changes makes healthy eating more manageable and sustainable over the long term.

Click here to find a list of healthy ingredient swaps!

These ingredient swaps not only help with weight loss, but they also add more nutrients to your diet.


Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries are all packed with powerful antioxidants & vitamin C. They are also an excellent source of fiber, and help boost your immune system. Try and buy organic when possible. Berries are heavily sprayed with pesticides and still contain these pesticides even after washing.


If you’re looking for a versatile veggie, look no further than zucchini squash (courgette). You can enjoy it raw or cooked. Zucchini keeps the heart strong, helps with weight loss, improves eye health, strengthens teeth & bones, helps lower cholesterol, & improves your overall health. Have you ever tried zucchini noodles? They are a staple in my house (even my teenage daughter loves them). Click on this link to learn how to spiralize your zucchini creating your pasta substitute.
Even though spiralizers are all the rage, you can use a knife, peeler, or a mandolin.

Try and buy organic when possible, look for a sticker beginning with the number 9.


Cauliflower can be considered a superfood, it helps fight cancer, it boosts heart health, is anti-inflammatory, is rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants & phytonutrients, it boosts brain health, it can aid in detoxification, is a great source of fiber, and is so versatile. If you don’t have time to prepare a cauliflower, you can now buy it already chopped. It’s called “riced cauliflower” available at Trader Joe’s for those in the United States. Cauliflower also makes a great pizza bottom.


Mushrooms are loaded with antioxidants and immune boosting properties. They help with weight management as they are hearty and filling. Mushrooms are also a great source of vitamin D. Did you know that mushrooms actually produce their own vitamin D? If you leave them outside with their bum in the sun, they will create more vitamin D. A Portobello mushroom is also a great substitute for bread in a sandwich or a burger.

Almond Milk

Almonds help prevent heart disease, support healthy brain function, maintain skin health, help to control blood sugar, help digestive health, fight inflammation, and they are the perfect snack. If you can try making it at home….here is a short video showing you how to make almond milk.

Many of the recipes call for a cheesecloth; I get in a bit of a mess with cheesecloths, so I like to use a nut milk bag. You can find them here on Amazon.


Great news for avocado lovers (I’m one of them). Avocados contain vitamin K, B6, & C, fiber, potassium, folate, & copper. As much as I adore avocados, it’s frustrating when you’re so looking forward to eating one and it’s either rock hard or mushy. Watch this short video and learn how to find the ‘perfect’ avocado.


Beans are the least expensive source of protein, especially when compared to fresh meat. Aside from protein, complex carbs and fiber, beans contain a powerhouse of nutrients including antioxidants and vitamins and minerals, such as copper, folate, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, and zinc. If you have time, soak your beans in water overnight as this helps with digestion.

Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt has twice as much protein as regular yogurt, and contains probiotics. These healthy bacteria helps promote a healthy gut. Please make sure you read the labels and look at the sugar content. Here is a guide from Dr. Oz – Consumers Guide to the Best Greek Yogurt.

Collard Greens

Collard greens are part of the cabbage family, and are low in calories, high in fiber, help fight cholesterol, and are loaded with multiple nutrients with anticancer properties. If you can, buy organic as they are heavily sprayed, and even after a thorough rinsing, the pesticide residue remains on the leaves.


Oats are a good source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They also help to lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Oats are naturally gluten free, but if you have Celiac disease, or are gluten sensitive, always look for oats that say ‘gluten free’ – this is a safer option, but not always guaranteed due to cross contamination with wheat. Oats are often processed in the same facilities as other grains. Something to consider!


Kale is low in calories, high in fiber and iron, loaded with vitamins A, C, & K, has powerful antioxidants, is anti-inflammatory, and is high in calcium. Not to mention it’s great for keeping your liver in tip top shape, which helps us detoxify. If possible, try and buy organic kale to avoid ingesting the pesticide residue.


Bananas are a healthy source of fiber, potassium, vitamin B6 & C. They can also help with heart and digestive health.  Click here to learn how to find the perfect banana.


Just remember, it’s not all-or-nothing! Aim to eat healthfully most of the time.

I would love to hear about your favourite swaps.

Thanks for reading, and keep well!








What does a Health Coach do?

What does a Health Coach do?

I hope you’re enjoying the summit. As many of my guests are health coaches, I thought I would share with you what a health coach actually is and what we do.

What Does a Health Coach Do?

Working with a health coach can have significant short-term and long-term benefits for individuals and companies alike. Because the focus of a health coach, also known as a wellness coach, is on staying healthy rather than treating illness, the potential for significant change is almost unlimited. This pro-active approach to health and wellness builds a new and powerful health consciousness in the individual; leading, encouraging, and supporting them toward making conscious choices in the areas of nutrition, exercise, and developing a healthier mindset.

My goal is to inspire and assist others to achieve a healthier lifestyle and overall wellbeing by understanding that health and healthy living is not simply limited to eating well but it also encompasses relationships and our physical and mental health. If either one is off, or we are not fulfilled in these areas, finding balance is very hard to achieve. I hope to share tips to show you that a healthier lifestyle doesn’t need to be difficult, or overwhelming. If I’m lucky, I might even be able to take the fear out of the dreaded “green drink.” I also want to provide information that is accessible and easy to understand. There are so many conflicting dietary theories and information available, so I hope to deconstruct them and help you find the one that fits into your lifestyle, at this particular time and stage of your life.

Healthy living in my opinion is about balance and not about being totally virtuous in every single lifestyle choice you make. Feeling and looking healthier doesn’t have to involve a total life overhaul.

As a health coach, there are some things that I like to tweak to get my clients back on track. They are easy to implement into your everyday life, and will make a big difference in your long-term wellbeing. Here are examples of a few things I might suggest:

  • Start your morning with lemon water – it aids in digestion & detoxification, rejuvenates your skin, and it helps with weight loss, to name a few.
  • Increase your water intake – we are made up of 55-75% water, so if you’re not drinking enough you will likely feel sluggish, foggy, & lethargic.
  • Prepare your meals in advance – by meal prepping on Sunday you can get your week off to a great start, and minimize your time in the kitchen throughout the busy work week.
  • Chew your food – the more you chew, the easier it is for your stomach to digest.
  • Find ways to reduce stress – stress unbalances hormones and spikes cortisol, not only undermining our efforts to lose weight but also any efforts we make towards being healthier. Some great tools are keeping a journal to release thoughts, and an app called Headspace.
  • End the day with an Epsom salt bath – it helps ease stress, promotes relaxation, and release toxins.
  • Take time for YOU – “Self-care is care provided for you, by you. It’s about identifying your own needs and taking steps to meet them. It is taking the time to do some of the activities that nurture you. Self-care is about taking proper care of yourself and treating yourself as kindly as you treat others.” Remember its okay to put yourself first!!

Now these don’t sound too awful do they?

So let’s get into the nitty gritty….a more technical explanation….

How a health coach can help you

According to the International Association for Health Coaches, a DC-based advocacy group for health and wellness coaches, “A Health Coach is a guide and supportive mentor who empowers clients to take responsibility for their health and cultivate positive lifestyle choices.” While this is accurate, it’s also a bit technical, and far too limiting. This article in the U.S. News & World Report Health section  – describes our role in more everyday language.

When you decide to work with a health coach, or when your employer chooses to add wellness coaching to your menu of health care choices, you will receive the support you need to implement meaningful lifestyle changes that will further your wellness goals. A health coach can offer broad-based support for overall health and wellness, or may specialize in areas such as:

  • Weight loss
  • Weight management
  • Stress management
  • Binge eating
  • Improved nutrition
  • Food cravings
  • Exercise and fitness
  • Shopping for healthy foods
  • Compulsive eating
  • Increased energy
  • Enhanced mental focus
  • Self-esteem and self-sabotage
  • Juicing for weight loss and detox
  • And many other areas of health and wellness

Again, based on what is most important to you, you may wish to hire a coach who can help you in many areas, or you may choose to work with a health coaching specialist, someone who will help you focus on changing one crucial area of your life.

It’s important to always remember that your health coach will not replace your doctor, but will instead support your wellness goals in an effort to help you avoid needing a doctor as often as you may have in the past. The goal is to help you set goals that will lead to a healthy lifestyle, rather than regularly getting sick and being treated after the fact.

To learn more about my approach, please visit my website.

Thanks for reading & keep well!












Sugar Sucks – Guest Blog Post

Sugar Sucks – Guest Blog Post

Today I’m featuring a guest blog from a friend & colleague Jennifer Hill.  Jennifer is an Educator, Intuitive Eating Health Coach, and the Producer and Host of Portsmouth, NH’s Public Television Show, “Intuition Nutrition.”  She also helps Creative Entrepreneurs with the tech side of things as a Virtual Assistant.

As the holiday season fast approaches I think we can all relate to feeling a little frazzled.  It might seem hard to stay on track with festive sugary treats presenting themselves at every turn, but it’s not impossible.  Hopefully after reading Jennifer’s article “sugar sucks” you will be able to resist those unhealthy temptations, and enjoy the holidays without regret.

Tip:  Did you know that sugar has 56 different names?  Neither did I until recently.  Print this link – and keep it with you when you are grocery shopping.

Remember to always check the labels!

Here’s Jennifer’s Guest Blog Post:

The other day I was presenting to a group of teachers at a leadership conference.  I spoke of the importance of weaving wellness into every day life at school. For students and teachers.  We touched on a lot of topics, and when people were giving me their “takeaways” from the presentation, one participant raised her hand and simply stated, “Sugar sucks.”

I laughed out loud, because it is so true!  (And I love hearing educated grown-ups loosen up and talk like that)

Her comment inspired me to share this letter.  A quick note before you read, this break-up happened a while ago, but I just put it down in writing as more of an empowerment exercise to share with you.

Dear Sugar,

Where do I begin?  It’s time to move on.  It’s not you, it’s… Oh, whatever – I’m not going to sugar-coat it for you.  You suck.

But I didn’t always think so – let me explain.

You were that handsome suitor with a twinkle in your eye, promises of everlasting love and showering of gifts.  Scratch the surface, and you are really a co-dependent , invading parasite, wreaking havoc on every part of life.

You were the idea that everything would be alright, if we added something sweet to it.  You were an energy-sucking vampire, disguised as happiness in a shiny wrapper.

“Why get so dramatic?” you say.   “You love me and you need me.  You’ll be back,” you claim with faux confidence.  “Come here, one last taste for the road,” you implore.  “You and I belong together!” you exclaim.

Sorry, bud.  Buh-bye.  Like I said, you suck.

And here is why:

(Adapted from 146 Reasons Why Sugar Is Ruining Your Health by Nancy Appleton, Ph.D.)

  1. When you are with me, you suppress my immune system, making it easier for me to get sick.  Sick and weak, just where you like me to be.
  2. You can interfere with absorption of calcium and magnesium. (Which I need, for healthy bones and muscles) (But you probably don’t want me to be that strong, do you?)
  3. You can weaken my eyesight.  Yep, so I can’t see your imperfections as well.
  4. You make me gain weight. Of course, then I feel crappy about myself, and you are conveniently there to “help” me.
  5. You can cause arthritis.  You’re so mean.
  6. You can cause heart disease and emphysema.  Helloooo?!  Google up leading causes of death in women.
  7. You can increase cholesterol.  Don’t you get it that my genes don’t need any help?
  8. You make my skin age by changing the structure of collagen.  (But I know you’ll always love me, right? Ha!)
  9. You cause headaches, including migraines.
  10. You can contribute to Alzheimer’s disease.  And I have too much good in my life to want any help losing the memories of it all.

Here’s the long and the short of it:

Life is sweet enough without you.

Food tastes even better without you.

By the way, I have a new sweetie now.  I guess you can say I’m “dating” (pun intended).

Dates.  Dreamy, naturally sweet dates.  Full of iron, fiber, antioxidants, potassium, vitamins and minerals.  Honest and upfront, sweet with benefits.

Sugar, it was sweet while it lasted. I will treasure the memories, especially those first few encounters.  But I know it will never work out.  In fact, I highly recommend you take a good look at yourself.  Really.

I hope more of us wide-eyed sweet seekers do not fall unwittingly into your trap.  I am just glad I realized what I had gotten myself into before it was too late, and I was totally hooked on your charm and empty promises.

Hasta nunca,


jen hill flowers

The Truth Behind Fad Diets

The Truth Behind Fad Diets

One diet does not work for everyone, and fad diets will always come and go –


Believe me, I’ve tried most of them! When you decide to lose weight, I know you want immediate and noticeable results, trust me I can relate! Any fad diet will give those to you. What it won’t give you, however, is long-term sustainable weight loss success.

After you have achieved your goal weight and go off the fad diet, it’s more than likely that you will, as most people do, revert back to your old eating patterns, and the lost weight inevitably returns. Not only are you now eating those formerly forbidden foods that contain more calories, but you also require fewer calories because the severe calorie reduction of the fad diet lowered your basal metabolic rate and stripped you of some muscle along the way. If you now eat the same number of calories as you did before the fad diet, ironically, you will actually weigh more than before.

Restrictive strategies set us up for failure in the long run.


As a society, we have been falling victim to the diet mentality for far too long and then blame ourselves because they don’t work. It’s not your fault! ANY restrictive diet will have a yo-yo effect.

When you deprive your body of the nutrition it needs, it keeps track.


“The problem with severely restricting diets that is that they jolt your body into starvation mode, preventing your body from burning unwanted fat and storing more fat and calories for you to survive on. When the body can no longer get its calories from food it looks to get some of its calories from lean muscle. This results in muscle loss. Less muscle means a slower metabolic rate causing stalled weight loss or even worse weight gain.” – Dr. Mehmet Oz

So if fad diets don’t work, what are we to do? Find what works for you and your family, and don’t eat anything you don’t like, even if it’s supposed to be the next ‘wonder food.’

For weight loss to be permanent, it must be sustainable.


A good rule of thumb I enjoy and practice is the 90-10 rule. 90% of the time I enjoy (I honestly do) a healthy balanced meal plan and 10% of the time I indulge in whatever takes my fancy. During this 10% of indulgence, it’s important to not be so rigid and most importantly, don’t impose any guilt on yourself, simply enjoy! Great food can be one of the great joys of life. This ratio will give your body what it needs and allows you to enjoy the food you love, which is essential for a healthy diet and a healthy mindset.

Let’s be clear, a cheat meal shouldn’t turn into a cheat day or week, or include an entire pizza followed by a tub of ice-cream. We need to be careful that a cheat meal doesn’t turn into binge eating which can rapidly destroy your progress. Rather, your 10% meals should include some foods, in reasonable quantities, that might not normally fit into your plan. It’s best to schedule your 10% meals. This will keep you committed to your eating plan as well as give you something to look forward to. Remember, the goal is to add more ‘real food’ that your body recognizes and can absorb and utilize nutrients from.

It’s all about baby steps!


There will always be a new fad diet on the horizon tempting you with miraculous results. We need to find what works for us as individuals, and importantly what doesn’t, and take ownership of our own health. It’s time to be your healthiest you, emphasis on you, not the person you think you should be.

Remember to use your food journal, and Hara Hachi Bu as tools in your food journey.

Keep well & thanks for reading!


How to Stop Comfort Eating – Mindful Eating

How to Stop Comfort Eating – Mindful Eating

femme gourmande problèmes de poidsFor many, a hectic day at work followed by the stress of picking the kids up from school and taking them to an extracurricular event, only to be responsible for prepping a great dinner for the family, can lead to a session of comfort eating as a stress coping mechanism. Also known as “emotional eating”, or even “binge eating”, comfort eating may also be used as a replacement for things that are missing in your life: career fulfillment, a relationship, or the loss of a loved one.

The good news is, this type of eating is learned; a habit developed over time – which means it can be changed.

Binge eating for comfort

According to an article at, “More people suffer from binge eating disorder than all the other eating disorders together.” As the author describes it, one of the many intervention programs for this type of eating has become known as “mindful eating” or “eating mindfully,” which is really more about HOW you eat than it is about WHAT you eat.

The New York Times describes mindful eating, or what others refer to as “conscious eating,” as the new craze in healthy eating. By making a meal a fully conscious sensuous experience, rather than a simple way to fuel your body or as a substitute for some emotional void, eating slowly with a full appreciation for each bite taken will slow the compulsion to binge, and reduce the rush toward weight gain.

Essentially, when it comes to comfort eating, the most effective way to make a change is to use a behavior modification approach. Don’t eat when you’re feeling emotional. Use your favorite foods as rewards, rather than as coping tools. Modification of your environment is also helpful, basically making it less comfortable to comfort eat. Reduce temptation by removing your favorite binge foods from the house.

Below are links to a couple of articles you may find helpful, with clues to help you control comfort eating:

If you would like to know more about how to stop comfort eating, emotional eating, or binge eating, please get in touch with me today for your FREE 30-Minute Wellness Consultation.

Thanks for reading and keep well.




annabel candyToday I’m featuring a guest blog from a longtime friend and esteemed writer Annabel Candy.  Annabel offers a popular travel blog for adventurous fun lovers.  The name of her site is perfectly coined “Get in the Hot Spot”– advanced adventures for body and soul.  She has lived in 8 countries and travelled to over 40, I think you might consider her an expert on travel!!!

According to Annabel “Get in the Hot Spot is for travel loving women aged 40+ who want to be more adventurous, have more fun and feel fabulous” now that’s just what the doctor ordered!

In addition to writing about her travel adventures, more recently Annabel has been very candid about her personal battles with depression and life lessons as a women in her middle years (if someone can come up with a more flattering term for middle age I would love to know I’ve been racking my brains for weeks).  As you will read in this article 7 Weight Loss Tips for Women over 40 –  – Annabel is so relatable, insightful, witty and spot on with her suggestions.

Thank you to Annabel Candy for allowing me to share her insightful wisdom in  7 Weight Loss Tips for Women over 40.

Annabel also offers a blogging course called Successful Blogging in 12 Simple Steps.  Please go to Get in the Hot Spot – for more information. I’ve purchased the course so hopefully in the not too distant future you will see an improvement in my blogs. 🙂

Thanks for reading and keep well.

I would love to hear about your weight loss challenges and success stories.